
楼主 |
发表于 2020-1-8 13:33:21
来自: 中国山东
fghyes 发表于 2020-1-8 09:45 
习惯了,早学熟了。。学了快三十年了,从初中算起。。下次请翻译找我。。不过常老师英语应该不差。。俄语 ...
Search for Leman China Scholarship Ph.D. Candidate 李曼大会奖学金再次招生
Since its establishment, Leman China Scholarship has supported three students to study for their PhD degrees in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota. We are currently accepting new applications for Leman China Scholarship PhD graduate program. In addition to meeting English requirements, applicants should have previous training in animal science and/or veterinary medicine and strong interest in study and management of pig diseases and pig production with emphasis on pig disease epidemiology. Applicants should also have strong interest/skills in data analysis and modeling. If you are interested to apply, please contact Dr. Frank Liu, liuxx063@ymn.edu
李曼大会奖学金设立以来,已经有三位研究生获得资助,目前在明尼苏达大学兽医学院攻读博士学位。我们现开始接受李曼中国大会奖学金博士研究生项目新的申请。除了达到研究生入学英语水平要求,申请人需要有动物科学和/或兽医的学习背景, 并且对猪病研究和养猪生产感兴趣,学习领域将集中在猪疾病的流行病学。申请人也需要对数据分析和数据模型感兴趣, 或已有这方面的技能。 有意申请者请联系: 刘爱民博士, liuxx063@umn.edu