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冬季鸡舍通风的基本规则 --承诺兑现



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发表于 2017-12-9 11:29:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国山东日照


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Cardinal Rules for Wintertime Broiler House Ventilation


We receive many calls and emails from growers asking questions about how to manage wintertime ventilation. Growers want to keep flock performance up, but don’t want to burn any more heating fuel than necessary, and they ask what factors or methods are really important to reaching this goal. In this issue, therefore, we are departing somewhat from our usual format to bring you a special presentation that we feel will be very useful to growers as we approach the coldest part of the year. The following key points briefly outline what industry experience and university research have shown to be the cardinal rules for wintertime broiler house ventilation. On this page, we are listing the briefest one-sentence versions of the rules, so you can see all of them at a glance. On the inside pages, you will find more complete but still concise explanations. On page 3, we present examples of how to do the simple arithmetic to determine proper fan timer settings.

1.        Seal all house air leaks: a loose house cannot be properly ventilated.


2.        Insulate before you ventilate: good growing conditions cannot be maintained in a poul-try house in cold weather if we have no way to keep the heat in.


3.        Set the fan timer for the right minimum ventilation rate, according to bird age.


4.        Increase fan timer settings (the minimum ventilation rate) each week from day one through catch.


5.        Maintain minimum ventilation settings no matter what the outside or inside conditions are, so that adequate ventilation will be available if temperatures drop below the ther-mostat setpoint.


6.        Bring cool outside air into the house high above the birds, with enough velocity to mix with warm inside air before contacting birds.


7.        If wet litter and/or ammonia becomes a problem, increase the minimum ventilation rate (fan timer settings).


8.        If increased minimum ventilation rate does not solve a wet litter problem, add a small amount of heat.


9.        If the house gets too dusty and litter is too dry, reduce the minimum ventilation rate.
10.        If a house gets too warm, look at the thermostat setting, not the fan timer setting.

11.        Adjust and reset backup thermostat settings, curtain drops, and alarms from day one to catch.


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Cardinal Rules for Wintertime Broiler House Ventilation

1.        Seal all house air leaks. You cannot properly ventilate a loose house. We want all air to come in through the inlets, not through leaks and cracks. Cold air falls, and cold outside air leaking through cracks, curtains, holes and any other unwanted opening drops toward the floor, causing condensa-tion, wet litter, cake and poor bird performance. Test house tightness by static pressure: with all doors, curtains and inlets of the house closed and one 48-inch, 20,000-cfm fan turned on, we should be able to pull a negative static pressure of 0.15 inches. If the number is lower than 0.15, too much air is coming through leaks and cracks. The higher the number from the static pressure test the tighter the house.

将鸡舍所有漏风的地方密封好。密封不好的鸡舍,我们很难进行正确的通风。我们希望所有的空气是通过进风口而不是通过裂缝和孔洞处进入鸡舍。冷空气会下沉,经由裂缝、窗帘、孔洞和其他的开口进入鸡舍的外界冷空气会跌落到地面上,从而引起凝露,垫料潮湿板结及较差的饲养成绩。我们可以通过静态压来检测鸡舍的密封性:关闭所有的门、窗和 进风口,开启一台48英尺、20,000cfm的风机,我们就可以达到0.15英寸水柱的静态负压。 如果比0.15小,就意味着有太多的空气是通过裂缝和孔洞进入鸡舍的。该数值越大,说明鸡舍的密封性越好。

2.        Insulate before you ventilate. We cannot maintain good environment in a poultry house in cold weather if we have no way to keep the heat in. Ceiling insulation should be approximately R-19. Check your insulation for tears, holes and places where insulation may have shifted and there is no insulation at all. Consider insulating end walls, end doors and other parts of the house that are not currently insulated.

通风前要做好保温措施。如果不能保持住鸡舍里的热量,在寒冷天气里我们就不能保持良 好的鸡舍环境。顶棚的保温系数R应该大约是19。检查鸡舍是否有孔洞及保温发生变化的地方及是否有根本就不保温的地方。对鸡舍后端、后端的门和目前不能保暖的地方进行保温处理。

3.        Set the fan timer for the right minimum ventilation rate, according to bird age. Be sure all fans are controlled by a single timer. The ventilation rate needed usually ranges from about 0.10 cfm/bird in week one to about 0.90 cfm/bird by week eight. In week one, for example, with 24,000 birds, you would need one-tenth of 24,000, or 2,400 cfm on average. We say “on average,” because you can’t run a 2,400 cfm fan. You use the timer to run, say, two 10,000-cfm 36-inch fans the percentage of time needed to average out at 2,400 cfm. You find the percentage needed simply by dividing the cfm’s needed by the cfm capacity of the fans you will be running. In this example, 2,400 cfm divided by 20,000 fan cfm’s equals 0.12. You multiply that percentage times the five minutes in the timer cycle, and set for 36 seconds run-time out of a five-minute cycle (36 seconds on-time out of 300 seconds = 0.12). Never ventilate with less than two 36-inch fans. Single 36-inch fan ventilation usually will not yield a high enough static pressure to ventilate properly. Heat moves toward fans, so ventilating with a single 48-inch fan concentrates heat in that end of the house. Running two or more minimum ventilation fans helps maintain temperature uniformity, and that will boost flock performance.

按照鸡只日龄设定风机定时器以确保达到正确的最小通风率。确保所有的风机都是由1个计时器所控制的。通风率在第一 周通常是0.10cfm/只鸡,而到第八周时会达到大约0.90cfm/只鸡。

4.        Increase fan timer settings (ventilation rate) each week from day one through catch. Fan run-time must be increased weekly to handle the increased moisture birds give off as they grow. As noted in Rule #3, the rate needed typically increases from about one-tenth a cfm per bird to almost a full cfm per bird. Note that having a properly set minimum ventilation timer is just as important at the end of the growout as it is in the beginning of the growout. Later in a growout, thermostat control usually will override the timer control most of the time. However, the minimum ventilation timer must remain properly set to take care of air quality if and when higher temperatures no longer trigger thermostat control.


5.        Maintain minimum ventilation no matter what the outside or inside conditions are. Without at least the minimum ventilation rate, inside air quality will deteriorate and litter moisture and ammonia problems will occur. The amount of house heat lost because of minimum ventilation is small, and well spent to avoid moisture problems. Remember also that you can and must ventilate even if a cold rain is falling outside. When cold air is heated its moisture holding capacity increases. When air is heated 20 degrees its relative humidity will be cut about in half, and therefore its ability to pick up water just about doubles. The cold air we bring into the house in the wintertime gets warmed up and dried out, so it is able to carry excess moisture out of the house through the ventilation fans. The only way to remove moisture from the litter in a poultry house is through ventilation.

无论舍内或舍外状况如何都要保持最小通风。不能保持最小通风率的话,舍内的空气质量会变差、垫料会变潮湿而氨气的浓度也会升高。因进行最小通风而丧失的舍温是比较小的,相较于湿度增加所带来的问题而言是值得的。我们同样需要记 住的是即使舍外下的是较凉的雨水,我们也可以并且也必需进行通风。冷空气经加热后,其纳水能力会增加。当空气升温2 0华氏度,其相对湿度会降低大约一半,因此其吸水能力会增加一倍冬季里冷空气进入鸡舍后会变暖和干燥,因此通过风机,空气能够带走更多的水分。通风是能将鸡舍里垫料的水分移走的唯一的途径。

6  . Bring cool outside air into the house high above the birds, with enough velocity to mix with warm inside air before contacting birds. Doing this well requires a tight house operating in the static pressure range of around 0.10, and it requires properly designed and adjusted air inlets. It takes a static pressure of approximately 0.10 inches to throw air 20 feet to the center of the house. Static pressure controlled vent boxes do the best job. Getting a good “jet-stream” of incoming air along the ceiling avoids chilling birds and the mixing action improves heating fuel usage efficiency by preventing warm air produced by birds, furnaces and brooders from rising to the ceiling and staying there. Mixing fans in the house can also help promote temperature uniformity and reduce fuel usage.

外界的冷空气进入鸡舍后要高于鸡只的高度,在接触到鸡只前需要有足够的风速和舍内的暖空气进行混合。要达到这个要 求就需要鸡舍的密闭性良好,并且静态压大约在0.10,这就需要鸡舍的设计要正确且进风口能调节。我们大约需要0.10英寸 的静态压来将进入鸡舍的空气投射20英尺的距离以便其能达到鸡舍的中央。由静态压控制的进风窗能够很好地实现这个要求。使进入的空气能沿着天花板以气流的形式投射可以避免对鸡群造成冷应激,并且通过防止鸡只、暖炉和育雏器所产生的热量上升至顶棚并滞留在该处,空气的混合作用可以改进供暖燃料的使用效率。鸡舍内的混合风扇也有助于促进舍温的均匀度并且可以降低燃料的使用。

7. If wet litter and/or ammonia becomes a problem, increase the minimum ventilation rate. This means increasing the fan run-time. Birds deposit about 2 pounds of water into the house for every pound of feed they eat. So there is a lot of water deposited into a poultry house during a growout. Fecal material plus excessive moisture causes ammonia, and this is worse when litter moisture is high. Proper ventilation is the only way to remove the moisture from the lit-ter. Growers who have tried to operate minimum ventilation fans using a humidistat to turn fans on and off have found this does not work. Humidistats can’t hold their accuracy in the environment of today’s poultry houses. A good rule of thumb to judge litter moisture content is to squeeze a handful of litter. If it sticks together tightly and remains in a ball, it is too wet. If it sticks together only slightly, it has the proper moisture content. If it doesn’t hold together at all, it is too dry.


8. If increased ventilation rate does not solve a wet litter problem, add a small amount of heat. Sometimes when a house has slick litter, more fan run time may not solve the problem. This usually means the house needs a little more furnace or brooder heat to help lower the humidity and thus facilitate moisture removal. It may be possible to dry out a house by slightly increasing fan run time during the warmest part of the day when humidity is low. If this does-n’t work heat must be added.


9. If the house gets too dusty and litter is too dry, reduce the minimum ventilation rate. This situation usually means we are over-ventilating, and calls for lowering the fan on-time setting.


10 .If a house gets too warm, look at the thermostat setting, not the fan timer setting. The minimum ventilation timer setting is for moisture removal and air quality, not temperature control. When we need to make it cooler in the house, a thermostat or controller temperature setpoint is used to override the ventilation timer and add more ventila-tion. In this mode we are now ventilating at a higher rate for temperature control purposes, and fan operation is de-termined by the thermostat or controller setpoint. Do not confuse this with minimum ventilation, which is timer-operated.


11. Adjust backup thermostat settings, curtain drops, and alarms from day one to catch. It is possible even in winter-time to lose birds due to high heat and high humidity if power fails or fans fail to operate. With larger birds, just a few minutes in a totally enclosed house with no ventilation can elevate temperatures as much as 20 degrees F, caus-ing suffocation and death. Protect yourself and your birds by maintaining recommended backup settings throughout the growout. A good rule of thumb is to set backups and alarms at ten degrees above and below target temperature.

从1日龄至出栏,调整备用恒温器设置,窗帘布和报警系统。因断电或风机停转所造成的温度和湿度过高的事件,在冬季都 有可能造成鸡只的死亡。对大鸡而言,在全密闭的鸡舍里,仅仅是几分钟的通风停止都会使温度升高20华氏度,从而引起鸡只的窒息和死亡。在饲养期间,保持推荐的备用器设置可以给您和您的鸡群建立一道保险。一个经验是:将备用器和报 警器设定在目标温度上下10华氏度范围内。


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