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Traditionally, a flock of broilers consist of about 20,000 birds in a growout house that measures 400 feet long and 40 feet wide, thus providing about eight-tenths of a square foot per bird. The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) states that the minimum space is one-half square foot per bird. More modern houses are often larger and contain more birds, but the floor space allotment still meets the needs of the birds.[sup][21[/sup]
In farms using cages for egg production, there are more birds per unit area; this allows for greater productivity and lower food costs.[sup][15][/sup] Floor space ranges upwards from 300 cm[sup]2[/sup] per hen. EU standards in 2003 called for at least 550 cm[sup]2[/sup] per hen.[sup][16][/sup] In the US, the current recommendation by the United Egg Producers is 67 to 86 in[sup]2[/sup] (430 to 560 cm[sup]2[/sup]) per bird.[sup][17][/sup] The space available to battery hens has often been described as less than the size of a piece of A4 paper.[sup][18][/sup] Animal welfare scientists have been critical of battery cages because they do not provide hens with sufficient space to stand, walk, flap their wings, perch, or make a nest, and it is widely considered that hens suffer through boredom and frustration through being unable to perform these behaviours.[sup][19][/sup] This can lead to a wide range of abnormal behaviours, some of which are injurious to the hens or their cagemates
In the UK, the Defra "Code for the Welfare of Laying Hens"[sup][20][/sup] states furnished cages should provide at least 750 cm[sup]2[/sup] of cage area per hen, 600 cm[sup]2[/sup] of which should be usable; the height of the cage other than that above the usable area should be at least 20 cm at every point and no cage should have a total area that is less than 2000 cm[sup]2[/sup]. In addition, furnished cages should provide a nest, litter such that pecking and scratching are possible, appropriate perches allowing at least 15 cm per hen, a claw-shortening device, and a feed trough which may be used without restriction providing 12 cm per hen.
在英国,食品和农村事务部的“福利蛋鸡”规定鸡笼应提供给每只鸡至少750平方厘米,600平方厘米的可用面积;笼子的高度比鸡高20厘米,无笼鸡舍总面积不小于2000平方厘米。此外,笼子里应该提供一个窝,一个供啄食和磨指甲的设备。每只鸡至少15厘米左右的架子,12厘米的饲料槽。 |